Saturday 28 July 2012

Smile always

A Simple Smile would Suffice


Be happy and go lucky person.

Listen this music...


There are many reason...Just smile...

Hold that smile...

.Early in my life, I learnt that a simple smile could avoid you so much trouble. It all started with acquaintances complaining that I ignored them or that I didn’t nod back in greeting, as they passed by me in the hallway or wherever. When that happened repeatedly, I could only blame my vision, which had started to become blurry with long distance objects … or subjects. I refused to blame the fact that most of the time I was lost in a world of my own, where my facial expressions would reflect my thoughts; so generally I’d just stare straight ahead, or ‘gaze into empty space’ as my math teacher of secondary school once described me – I was simply looking out of the window. This might have confused people into thinking that I was fully alert and actually noticed their presence. So I came up with this genial idea … just draw a simple smile across my lips at all times. That way, if anyone waved or nodded, they’d sure be rewarded. And it worked like magic; no more complaints regarding that matter since then. Anyway, I thought that a smile was a universal sign till I came here. On meeting my neighbors, of different nationalities, but mostly Asians, I’d nod my head smilingly, and what would I get? … blank; they can only see space, I cease to exist. This has happened on every single occasion we’ve crossed paths, for more than a year now! My smile can’t find its way through to men, women or even children, and I’d thought that that facial expression was contagious. How absurd of me. This made me recall a book I read about life in the Stone Ages, and how that revealing your teeth was translated as a sign of aggression before a Homo erectus pounced on his enemy or prey. But, believe me; my smile reveals no teeth, so why doesn’t it work nowadays?Now I remember my maternal grandmother, may she rest in peace, and how she’d walk to the nearest mirror to her bed as soon as she woke up, avoiding looking at anybody before doing so. Only in front of that mirror would her face shine with the widest, most captivating smile. She’d explained over and over that a smiling face was the best way to start your morning, and as she wasn’t sure if she’d get that from anybody every single day, she simply relied on herself, avoiding seeing other faces than her own, which I miss so much.A note to people out there who are too lazy to part with a smile; it takes a larger number of muscles to frown than to smile. A smile doesn’t mean anything beyond a simple greeting, no promises are involved. So please draw it on your face as soon as you wake up, and you’re sure to be rewarded, because a smile is a simple curve that could put many things straight.

Thats all from me,

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